Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 4 at the Gym- Happy to be back

After my brutal attempt at running Thursday night my calves were mad... even angry for that pounding.  So I took a rest day for yesterday (Friday) Met a girl from work for lunch since we were both off since it's the super slow part of the year. Then we cause the new movie New Years Eve. I thought it was cute and heart warming.  Enjoyed some time with my hubby's siblings, significant others and my nieces along with my father-in-law.  My father-in-law took us all out to this new Japanese steak house with the hibachi grill where to cook right in front of you, super fun and filling.

I also stopped at goodwill and picked up a used copy of the South Beach Diet so I'm reading that. I'm going to dive into that eating plan in about a week, for now I'll keep counting calories.

Today I rocked another 60 minutes of cardio and then and some weights. Monday I meet with the personal trainer I'm looking forward to it but I also feel bad that I know I won't be able to stay at that gym since it's soooo expensive!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 3 at the Gym- I'm beat

Well it's already the next day and my day that started is still not over.  I've worked my full time job, went to the gym, made dinner, did the dishes, cleaned the house, and started and folding some laundry. Wowza!

At the gym today I did a mile on the treadmill in just under 18 minutes, but wow are my legs killing me now!  Then I went and did 28 minutes on the elliptical and that got me another 1.5miles+. Add that to the cleaning I did today no wonder I'm looking at the screen sideways.  The bed is calling me and the cat is looking for a good snuggle.

Tomorrow... if I can more holds 30 minutes of cardio and a weight program. I'm so happy that my now healed arm fracture hasn't taken all my strength away.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 2 At the Gym

Another day under calories! Go for me!  I also did 60mins on the elliptical today and did just over 4 miles during that time, I forgot how many calories the machine said I burned but no biggie I still did the full 60 minutes!!!! So how long before I can get 5 miles in 60 minutes?  Lets aim for the end of January, I'm hoping for a 10lb lose by then.  Can we do it, yes we can. Motivation, determination, healthy eating, and lots of exercise.

I really have forgotten how much I love to lift weights.  Feeling your muscles engage as you lift and as you complete your reps you can feel them get more and more tired but you just keep pushing on.  Gaaa I love that feeling.  I did the set that I had the last time attended this gym.

Looking forward to my meeting with Kip on Monday to set me up with a plan.  I have a long way to go and no quick way to get there.... but  I will make it there before this weight kills me or my health.

Looking forward to shopping in normal stores... not worrying but if my boobs are going to be resting on the table at a restaurant. Speaking of restaurants I have no urg for fast food, looked at taco bell when I passed this this evening when I came home from work and was like yuck. So much greasy non-filling food for so many calories!

Thinking about looking into the south beach diet or maybe just eliminating gluten.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 1 At the Gym

Signed up for my 30 day free trial at the local gym that I use to attend.  I did 50 minutes on the elliptical and it felt amazing! I can't believe I forgot how good that felt!  Tomorrow I'm going to add some weights long as there isn't a class using them. I need to find my scale or get me Wii fit working so that I can see how much I currently weigh.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day After Christmas

Spent the morning shopping with my sister at a Maurcies, I had a 50% off coupon and she need some new clothes. I found nothing. Tons of cute things in the "regular" sizes but their plus sizes were lacking in style and quality of fabric, a bit depressing that I pair of dress pants felt so thin.

Today I've eaten a mish-mash of things that are in the house from left over fajitas to starbursts and jalapano kettle chips.  Tomorrow is another day, tomorrow I'll be stopping after work to sign up for the membership at the gym.

I visited their gym's website and found that they have changed a lot since I was a member over a year ago.  They are now personal trainer focused and cost a lot more!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Starting New

This is me and my dog Maverick, a cavalier king charles spaniel with past May.
I am on a mission to lose almost 1/2 my body weight.  I've tried in the past and lost about 20lbs in 2 months. During that time I had an awesome workout partner but when I lost her I kind of lost my motivation.  I now know I need to keep myself at it, it's a change for my health now and my health later.

My grandparents, mom, and my mom's brother all have type 2 diabetes and that scares me to death. But I guess not enough to keep me going.  I'm not one to beat myself up when I have an extra piece of chocolate but I also need to find something to keep that drive going.

For Christmas I received 2 30-day gifts to work out with a personal trainer at one of the local gyms from my Father-in-Law (along with an hour massage and another gift certificate to an accessory/jewelery store). I'm so excited that tomorrow I will call be calling the gym to find out the details that I need to get signed up.

I will be updating here regularly, hopefully daily with my food and workout diary along with weight loss photos and cute pet photos.

Merry Christmas!